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We are glad to announce the release of the 9th eBook in our special dataset series - “State of India’s Environment 2024 in figures”   This... Read More
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We are glad to announce the release of the 9th eBook in our special dataset series - “State of India’s Environment 2024 in figures”


This e-book takes a data-first approach to analyze country’s environmental challenges, by diving into tons of data on India’s environment and development from Government and other credible sources, then using cutting edge tools, processes them into sharp infographics. Each and every dataset here is a stand-alone verdict on a specific subject/ development. With each dataset, we have tried to tell the complete story, with lots of data wisdom. Just to put on record, each data that you go through here is preceded by 12 months of careful tracking to not just make sense of the big data involved but also to make a credible statement. This report offers a wealth of statistics on the state of climate and extreme weather, health, food and nutrition, migration and displacement, agriculture, energy, waste, water and biodiversity.


This year also we have analyzed and ranked the performance of India’s States on key environmental parameters. This report also makes sense of the state of environmental affairs of the States, using data that otherwise remains as cold statistics.


“State of India’s Environment 2024: In Figures” is our attempt, to use the best available data points, to tell you the story of India’s environmental performance - where it has faltered, where it has managed to move towards a sustainable existence, and where, if any, are the gaps in data.


Those who have already ordered a copy of our main annual report, State of India’s Environment 2024, would find this ebook with additional information highly beneficial. This special price is for a limited period only.


Order your copy today!!!!


We look forward to servicing your order asap.

More Information
Publication Centre for Science and Environment
Year 2024
ISBN 978-81-946639-9-7
Additional Info Authors: Kiran Pandey and Rajit Sengupta, Editorial and research directions: Sunita Narain and Richard Mahapatra, Editorial support: Dakshiani Palicha
Language English
Type E-Book
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